Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

September 11th, 2001 I was a 9 years old getting ready school. I remember sitting on my parents bed watching the news. The news cut back to plane the first plane flying into the towers. When I saw that plane hit the towers I think I had the most overwhelming feeling of sadness come over me. I wanted to keep watching to see what would happen but I had to go school. At school everyone was talking about what they heard or seen except for the teachers. The entire day the teachers said nothing about it. When I returned home from school, I put myself in front of the TV until my parents dragged me away. When I look back on 9/11 the whole thing seems surreal. I just can’t believe that this could happen or that anyone could do such a horrific thing. Where and what were you doing when you learned about the attacks?

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