Sunday, November 9, 2008

Post Election

We have done our part, by Electing Barack Obama. Now I can only hope Obama, becomes a great president. He has to do more then just a good job he has to a great job. I think if he doesn't I think people will be reluctant to elect a black President again. I also think if he doesn't do a good job the power in congress and the presidency will be shifted over to the right. But I also think Barack Obama will be a great President and he will change the course that the United States Of America for the better.


Max Rice said...

We have done our part? Was Obama the right choice? And why do you think Barack Obama will be a great president.

Kimber said...

I hope that Obama fills the role of a great president also. He has a lot of ground to cover. Our country is currently in a crisis. We are in the most debt we have ever been in. In my blog at, I discussed reading an article comparing Obama to Lincoln. It gave some key advice that would help Obama with his presidency.

Flight of the concords