Both Presidential nominees McCain and Obama chose their running mate for different reasons. Putting Obama and McCain aside, which one would be a better Vice President. Joe Biden is a textbook example of experience. Biden has been an incumbent in the Senate for the last 35 years. He was elected at the age of 30 making him one of the 5 youngest people to be elected to Senate. He has been apart of the Judiciary committee (1987-1995), and the Foreign Relations Committee (2001-2003, 2007-present). Biden ran twice for the Democratic nomination for President (1988 and in 2008). On the other had Sarah Palin at the age of 44 has been a politician for 16 years now. She was Mayor of Wasilla Alaska for 6 years (1996-2002), and is now Governor of Alaska for the last two years. Who do you think would make a better Vice president of the United States of America?
without a doubt, Biden, I mean seriously, does the question need to be asked? don't waste your breath. What does two years as governor and mayor of some Podunk town in the AK mean to anyone? if we elect McCain and Palin we can expect no change in the positive direction, just four to eight more years of the same crap we've put up with the last eight.
I completely agree with you. I think we need to push away from right wing conservatives, to be able to have any change at all.
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