Today near the end of class we had a very interesting conversation on how different train stops show different Social class. We talked about the factors of the train station, the building, the cars in the parking lot the area around the train station (Business). And that made me think of more factors, like the quality of the Roads and sidewalks like are the Dirty vs. clean , Clear, Vs. potholes, and eventually I jumped to things that didn't have to do with train stations or the area around it. I thought what kind of pet someone has, were does that person get there food from, there personality and yes even how they talk, and there mannerisms. I ended up with a conclusion I think anything can and is a marker of Social Class, so I decided to do a very quick web search on this. The search maybe lasted 5mins, but I did find something. I found this PDF file by W. Barratt and its a list of types of things that are realated to social class like whats cloths they were, what drugs they use, were they shop, and many more. I think one of the reasons that people associate all these things with class is because we make connections through media and through life expericences. Also in the 5mins I learned social class is a very complicated issue and is hard to deconstruct. Look at the image above what class do you belevie that person belongs to? (take note of how his head is held and whats he holding what is he wearing?
I think that his clothing, along with the eye glass he is holding and the formal hat he is wearing on his head portray him as high in class.
I see a middle aged man with an eye glass, white hair, a suit, and a top hat. I think he is wealthy and a member of the upper class. I wonder what he is doing and why he is looking through the eye glass.
His chin is pointed up, which I take as a sign of upper class. His neck is so high, kind of like he is above everyone else, and he is looking through his eye glass at all the people lower than him. He cant go up and talk to them, he is just a spectator of others.
your awful spelling and grammar are markers of your low social class
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